Gordon And Mike's Ict Podcast

Flat World Strategies: Google Docs, Spreadsheets, the Zune, PS3 and the Wii [20:39]



Have you ever been working collaboratively on a document, either with one other person or multiple people? Have you been frustrated looking through your computer or your email for the most recent version or even an older version that that has something you've since deleted? Worse yet, have you ever been looking for that file wondering if the most recent version is on my work computer, my laptop, my home computer, my email or any number of usb drives I have laying around - or even worse yet on someone else's computer. What about collaboration - sending a file around by email, everyone adds their comments and you have to try to put it all together - what a hassle. And who can stand to read documents with track changes turned on. Well there's a new class of applications called webware coming to the rescue! Gordon: Mike - what is webware? Webware is an online software application that trys to replicate the richness and responsiveness of a traditional desktop application. What's really made this even remote