The Letters Page

Episode 10 - Mister Fixer



Time to talk about H.R. "Slim" Walker! Show Notes: Run time: 83:28 We're doing things slightly differently today: instead of moving through the character's life chronologically, we go in order of what stuff appeared in the pages of Sentinel Comics. We start by talking about the character Black Fist! This art is the only depiction of Black Fist in the Sentinels of the Multiverse card game: (Hint: In this art, Black Fist is neither Legacy nor the giant green space alien person. He's the other person. The one next to Legacy.) Twelveish minutes into the episode, we move forward to talking about "Slim" - who then becomes Mister Fixer - he looks like the first image posted above. Just a guy who works in an auto shop. Around the 18 minute mark, we rewind to actually go into Harry Robert Walker's complete backstory, starting from his youth. At 19:20, we talk about terrible cities. Adam mentions Baghdad. Turns out, the city with the highest murder rate in the world is Caracas, Venezuela. Which is where Christopher g