The Letters Page

Episode 12 - NightMist



Time to talk about NightMist! Lots of big story stuff here. Before the show even properly starts, Christopher jumps in to apologize for not posting an Interlude last week. We recorded it! It was really great. And then, the files got eaten by the internet, somehow. We have new plans in place to keep that from happening in the future (we're glad that we lost an Interlude and not an entire Episode), but we'll just have to re-record all that stuff this Friday after we record the GloomWeaver episode. Sorry about that! We're pretty annoyed about it, but what can be done? Just gotta move on. Also! A few episodes ago we mentioned that a Letters Page Bingo type thing could be fun. Lo and behold, it has happened! Awesome Letters Page listener Kyle Grossman has created THIRTY different Letters Page Bingo cards, and you can find them all here! Now, onto the episode itself! Show Notes: Run Time: 78:02 Before going on to introducing Faye Diamond, we first talk about her father Thomas, and before that, his father Joe Diamo