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Episode 15 - The Matriarch / Harpy / Pinion



Let's talk about Lillian Corvus in her many forms! I got all artsy with today's image! In case you're not sure which art is which Lillian Corvus: Top: The Matriarch Left: The Harpy Right: Dark Watch Harpy Bottom: Pinion Show Notes: Run Time: 74:18 We finish up the villain portion of this podcast in the first fifteen minutes! Wow! At the 14 minute mark, we begin digging into an event revealed in the OblivAeon lead-up ARG, the story of Dark Watch #7. Just after the 35 minute mark, when discussing GloomWeaver, Christopher talks about that villainous entity getting encased in a doctor. Not sure what we're talking about? Listen to the GloomWeaver episode! Just before 40 minutes in, we read a question that leads us to tell the backstory of the Mask of the Matriarch and its fowl power! About time! At about 41:45, we talk about the Great Fire of Santander, Spain. Read more about that here! Then, at 42:20, we talk about a special necklace that ended up on a particularly famous boat. What fun! Just after the 49 minu