The Letters Page

Episode 55 - Parse



Parse has keen arrows, but a far more keen eye! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:30:53 We don't spend any time dillying or dallying in this episode! In fact, this may be most "content per minute" episode we've ever done - just jam-packed with the story of Parse through the years of Sentinel Comics! We start off in the 80s, including a bunch of information on how various titles are being treated then, laying the groundwork for Parse's origin. Just after the 6 minute mark, we mention that the Iron Legacy and Alternate Realities/Timelines episode is coming up on the recording block in a few days - get your questions in now! Around 12 minutes in, we introduce a character we've never talked about before... and within a couple minutes, you learn why he's never come up before. The high-speed rate of reveals continues, right up until the start of the Miss Information story around the 20 minute mark... but then we clam up. Don't want to spoil next week! Even more publication history oddities around 23 minutes in, covering her