The Letters Page

Editor's Note #15



An Editor's Note about Time and Space! Run Time: 1:12:33 Upcoming Schedule: Tuesday, March 6th: More Settings: Insula Primalis, Ruins of Atlantis, Magmaria, Fort Adamant, Omnitron-IV Tuesday, March 13th: Tempest Tuesday, March 20th: Prime Wardens Tuesday, March 27th: Grand Warlord Voss Thursday, March 29th: Editor's Note #16 We cover two primary categories of topics in this episode: TIME and SPACE! Time Cataclysm Shattering of the Timelines Time travel CON Chrono-Ranger La Capitan Silver Gulch Final Wasteland Outside Time Wagner Mars Base The Apollo Missions Captain Cosmic Infinitor Judge Mental Dok'Thorath Bloodsworn Colosseum Greazer Fashion Lifeline Also, at the very end of this month, we're launching a Patreon! Help us keep making The Letters Page, and be a part of the podcast yourself! We'll be putting more information here as we get closer to March. Next week is Iron Legacy and other alternate realities! It's going to be a lot of ups and downs...