The Letters Page

Episode 59 - Tempest



The long-awaited episode for one of the first heroes from Sentinel Comics! Show Notes: Run Time: 3:29:10 Our longest episode yet! It is astounding to me that an episode about one character ended up longer than our previous longest episode, the Southwest Sentinels/Void Guard episode, about 4 characters who make up two teams with major changes in there. But, then again, hardly surprising that Tempest takes so long to cover - really speaks to just how much is going on in the Tempest story. We cover the three major phases of Tempest's life: From origin through Vengeance Post-Vengeance through Vengeance: Returned Prime Wardens #1, Vol. 2 through OblivAeon There are lots of things going on in each of those phases, but that's a fair way to break up the stories of Tempest. Be sure to tune in next week when we talk more about the whole team of the Prime Wardens, and the week after when we talk specifically about Tempest's primary nemesis: Grand Warlord Voss! There are a good bit of Tempest stories that we don't get