Man Seeks Adventure

Ep.40 Eating & Drinking at BacariGDL With Man Seeks Adventure



Episode 40 of the Man Seeks Adventure podcast we take a trip to the Americana in Glendale California where a new restaurant has opened. BacariGDL owned by Robert Kronfli is a blend of comfortable setting, incredible tastes and wonderful drinks. Chef Lior Hillel prepared a large selection of tasting plates for Brad, Dave and Heather to sample and Mixologist David Williams created the tasty cocktails. Visit the location with us and indulge as each of the dishes is described by the CHef and we hear tales of underground restaurants at USC and getting a start in the rough and tumble restaurant business. VISIT THE LIST at: for a complete list of the dishes and see them in our Gallery section. You will also find our "Drink of The Day" video and photos on the site.