Training & Coaching Lifestyle with John Spencer Ellis

Building Your Empire: Long Term Planning for Fitness, Wellness & Coaching Business Owners



In this episode of the Training & Coaching Lifestyle Podcast, John discusses how to leverage the revenue from your fitness, coaching or expert business into other long-term assets, building a lasting empire and his JSE Mastermind..... you're invited!!!       The Training and Coaching Lifestyle Podcast hosted by John Spencer Ellis. Topics include business, marketing, branding, PR, publicity, SEO, social media, lifestyle design, wealth creation, program design, education, certification and success for fitness, coaching, wellness, nutrition, personal training and personal development experts. Learn how to work less, earn more, and have more fun while you help your clients reach their goals.  Guests include: Chris Brown, Funk Roberts, Lorenzo Lamas, Steve Krebs, Pat Rigsby, Dax Moy, John Lee Dumas, Nick Tumminello, Topher Morrison, Ryan Lee, Paul Mort, Marc Lebert, Doug Balzarini, Brian Devlin, Alwyn Cosgrove, AJ Roberts, Corey Beasley, Debbie Allen, Kelli Calabrese, Anthony Carey, Jairek Robbins, Shawn Phill