Intensive Care Network Podcasts

Massive Stroke



There have been significant developments in the diagnosis and management of ischaemic stroke.   This started with trials showing a benefit for decompressive craniectomy after a malignant hemispheric stroke in patients under 60 undergoing surgery within 48 hours.   The evolution of CT and MRI have enabled us to better image not only the ischaemic core of the stroke, but also the surrounding hypo-perfused brain at risk of ischaemic death; the penumbra. CT and MR angiography now allow rapid, non-invasive detection of occlusions in the major neck and intracranial arterial vessels.  These techniques are key to the appropriate selection of patients for therapeutic interventions aiming at rapid and effective arterial recanalisation to restore blood flow. Intravenous thrombolysis with rt-PA is effective if given early and no later than 4.5 hours. The benefit of intravenous thrombolysis for patients with severe stroke due to large artery occlusion is limited but these patients may be candidates for mechanical thrombec