Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley

EP49: What To Do When a Client "Ghosts" You and Doesn't Pay



Are you scared of “ghosts”? Well, you should be! One of the biggest Legal Pickles™ coaches and entrepreneurs find themselves in is when a client “ghosts” them without notice and stops paying them. The client flat out disappears. “Ghosting” can leave you feeling confused, sad, and betrayed–and in a business context, also in debt or looking blankly and despondently at the client’s unpaid invoice. It can feel scary and frustrating when this happens–and it can leave you wondering, what should you do if your client suddenly stops paying you? In this episode, you’ll learn what steps to take if a client “ghosts” you so you can try to collect the outstanding payments that are owed to you.   In this episode Lisa shares: 4 action steps to take when a client “ghosts” you Why you should start with kindness When to send your client a detailed email The importance of Client Agreement and Terms of Use documents When you should use a formal collections letter Why you should ALWAYS get your client’s street address and phone