Spiritual Rants

"God Is A Refuge"" Best Of The Choose Life Devotionals



The purpose of “Choose Life” is to pick a positive help out of the One Year Bible (OYB) reading plan for the day. There is always something positive in the Word of God to cheer us and give us strength.   Do you ever whine to God?  Do you want to complain about the way He is doing something?  Then do you feel guilty afterward?  This might be the podcast for you!   Also, check out for the podcast on the entire week's readings from the One Year Bible excerpts for January 28-February 3 on Libsyn and iTunes: "What Is Plaguing You?":  http://spiritualrants.libsyn.com/week-5-reading-through-the-bible-in-a-year-what-is-plaguing-you https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spiritual-rants/id1187659180?i=1000380519298 January 28 is the first of this week (basically for our purposes, you can take it from there!): Spiritual Rants: January 28, “Spiritual Rants: January 28, “Gentlemen, Start Your Ophidians” Daily Readings to read through the Bible in a year: Exodus 5:22-7:25 Matthew 18:21-19:12 Psalm 23:1-6 Proverbs 5:22-