Spiritual Rants

"Victory In Jesus" Daily Bible readings Rhyming #5



Spiritual Rants.com offers concise commentary on the One Year Bible (OYB) reading plan for the day. This year, we offer short rhymes on each of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs excerpts.  The weekly podcast explains the Tuesday rhymes and explanation of the readings.     Can the devil hurt you during the coronavirus?  Find out in this week's podcast!   Also, check out for the podcast on the entire week's readings from the One Year Bible excerpts for April 21-27 on Libsyn and iTunes: "Week 17-Spiritual Rants: "Guidance:  How can I find God's will for my life?":  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spiritual-rants/id1187659180?i=1000384646801 http://spiritualrants.libsyn.com/spiritual-rants-guidance April 22 is the first of this week (basically for our purposes, you can take it from there!): Spiritual Rants: April 22 “Make A Choice!” Readings to read through the Bible in a year: Joshua 24:1-33 Luke 21:1-28 Psalm 89:38-52 Proverbs 13:20-23 http://jerryrothauser.com/spiritual-rants-apri