Heavy Lies The Helmet - Critical Care Transport

Episode 24 - ECHONOOGA Debrief w/Brad Garmon



In this informal podcast episode, we are joined by Brad Garmon; Flight Medic, Educator, and overall good dude. Brad was our fellow "Sick Lung" clinical category presenter at the 2018 Every Coast Helicopter Operations (ECHO) annual conference. After the last day, we decided to grab dinner, a few beers, and chit chat about our overall impression of the conference. We touch on our individual presentations with an occasional tangent to finish up a weekend full of education, networking, and fish.   Topics of Discussion: Conferences in Comparison Upper GIB’s and Minnesota tubes Coagulopathies and PCC’s Critical Care Panel and MD Discretion Ventilating the Obstructed Pt Transporting Prone ...and everything in between! ------------------------------------------------  Follow us on Twitter @HLTHPodcast Follow us on Facebook @heavyliesthehelmet Visit our website at heavyliesthehelmet.com Contact us at heavyliesthehelmet@gmail.com Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed during the HLTH podcast are sole