Heavy Lies The Helmet - Critical Care Transport

Episode 30 - Breaking the Case: Nephro No!



We are introducing a new podcast series that focuses purely on case studies. In this episode, Dan helps us analyze three examples of nephrology emergencies that we might encounter as emergency providers. They are reviewed sequentially based on level of complexity. Please let us know, if you enjoyed this new format, or how we can make it better for future episodes. For a PowerPoint copy of the case studies including lab values, go to the episode's web page. Also, listen until the very end for a special feature! *We are still working on improving Dan's recording setup. Until that time, we apologize for the poor audio quality. ------------------------------------------------  Follow us on Twitter @HLTHPodcast Follow us on Facebook @heavyliesthehelmet Visit our website at heavyliesthehelmet.com Contact us at heavyliesthehelmet@gmail.com Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed during the Heavy Lies the Helmet, LLC podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represe