Heavy Lies The Helmet - Critical Care Transport

Episode 31 - The I in Team Safety



Especially with recent events, safety is at the forefront of every flight clinician’s mind. How do we work together to make sure everyone goes home after every shift? Chris, our resident safety expert, joins us in a special podcast episode where we discuss a team approach to flight safety in addition to other timely concepts we should consider before, during, and after every transport. ------------------------------------------------  Follow us on Twitter @HLTHPodcast Follow us on Facebook @heavyliesthehelmet Visit our website at heavyliesthehelmet.com Contact us at heavyliesthehelmet@gmail.com Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed during the Heavy Lies the Helmet, LLC podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of their employers and their employees. Heavy Lies the Helmet, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of any information contained in the podcast series available for listening or reading on this site. The primary purpose of this pod