Human Resources For Small Business

Digitizing the Frontline Workforce with Cris Grossman



In this eye-opening episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, Brandon Laws talks with guest Cris Grossmann. He’s the CEO and Co-Founder of Beekeeper, a company committed to connecting non-desk or “frontline” employees through technology. Cris believes that a digital transformation of frontline workers, who make up 80% of the global workforce, can give companies a significant competitive advantage. In this episode, you’ll learn how to invest in your frontline workers through relevant, usable, all-in-one technology. TAKEAWAYS Only 1% of all the venture capital goes into desk-less or frontline worker solutions, yet 80% of the global workforce is made up of these types of workers. Digitizing the frontline is no walk in the park, but rather a necessary process that requires careful planning.  Frontline workers need one companion app: one single point of contact for the frontline worker to get everything they need to be well-informed, engaged, and productive at work. A companion app for frontline workers mu