Somewhere In The Skies

Micah Hanks: Toward a Better Ufology



On Episode 02 of SOMEWHERE IN THE SKIES, Ryan talks about the mysterious case of a young man that has supposedly gone missing in Brazil. Left behind in his bedroom is a conspiracy theorist's dream come true; cryptic messages, occult-like symbols, a series of self-published books completely in code and a large, hand-made statue of a 16th-century philosopher. This entire story is made all the more intriguing after learning the young man was obsessed with aliens, a hand-painted portrait left hanging on the wall showing him dressed as the late philosopher, and an alien being holding him on the shoulder. Is this story the mystery of the year? Or is it an intricate prank or performance piece set to fool the online community? Next, we hear from Ryan's guest, noted author and radio personality, Micah Hanks. They speak about a fascinating UFO sighting that Hank's personally researched and investigated, and then they dig deep into the famous Cash/Landrum UFO case and the mysterious Frederick Valentich disappearance. Th