The Couragemakers Podcast | Encouragement, Inspiration & Rebel Rousing For Mission Driven Doers Makers & Shakers |

070: Creating a Multi-Passionate Career with Kaite Welsh



Hello and welcome to the last Couragemakers episode of September! I don’t know about you, but for me, September is a real back to school kind of month and I love planning and putting things in motion. Behind the scenes I’ve been working on The Epic Shit Sessions: a series of four stand alone coaching and mentoring sessions for creatives and multi-passionates. They’re designed to help you put the work only you can do in the world,  and to help you along every stage of the creative journey. I’ll be sharing more about them next week, but just wanted to share what I’ve been up to! What about you? What have you been working on this September? Email me: and let me know! Now, onto this week’s episode! This week, I’m chatting with the lovely Kaite Welsh. Kaite is an author, critic and journalist. Her work has appeared in various publications from The Times Literary Supplement to Cosmopolitan and she covers LGBT issues for the Daily Telegraph. She is also Books Editor of DIVA. Her short fic