The Couragemakers Podcast | Encouragement, Inspiration & Rebel Rousing For Mission Driven Doers Makers & Shakers |

148: Being Unapologetic & Connecting With Your Body with Susie Bell



Hello Couragemakers! This week I’m so excited to be sharing with you my conversation with Susie Bell. Susie is a Self-Love and Body Confidence Coach for women and is passionate about self-compassion, authenticity and self care. She is on a mission to support and inspire women in their 40s and 50s who are feeling lost and also trapped by comparison with others and perfectionism, to help them reconnect with and accept themselves including their bodies so they can stand in their truth, be seen and fell alive again. Susie lives on the south coast on England in Hampshire with her husband and two teenage children, and her favourite quote is “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” by Anaïs Nin, who Susie shares a birthday with!. In today’s episode Susie is sharing her experience of living in diet culture for 26 years and her journey of working to love her body. We dive into how as women our default is to believe we’re not enough, how it is exhaustin