

I know a lot of you might be scratching your head and going, what? It was a phrase I heard often as a kid because the circus always came to town.  Or there was an awesome movie around the circus.  Kids always threatened to run away and join the circus! And some did! The memories of taking our kids to the circus are all we'll have now.  No taking the great grand baby to see the 'greatest show on earth!' I talk today about finding a way to preserve some of our traditions, some of our culture favorites.  Why?  Because of technology redirecting our connections.  Instead of hanging together, we text. Instead of talking on the phone we Face Book.  Instead of hugging we Skype. I know I'm showing my age with this one, but I am truly concerned about what's next.  If we don't attend live events, if we don't honor special things, they will go away. We're all very concerned about our world right now, so maybe this seems insignificant, but I truly believe it's vital to our society everywhere to just set technology aside o