

This is a wild and crazy time of year for so many people. Graduating from high school or college.  Starting a new job, moving across the country.  Getting married, getting divorced...the list of transitions goes on and on. I only touch on a few today otherwise the show would be way too long :-)  So respecting your time I only talk about the first I listed. Getting married or divorced is a monumental subject all on it's own!  And I would prefer my friend Shan White who helps people with divorce, share that topic with you.  So many emotions emerge when we make transitions.  Especially if they are not of our choosing.  Those are often tougher to live through than those we make ourselves.  But no matter how or why the transition came about, how it affects us or how we deal with it all comes down to 'attitude'. Time and time again we reference back to that word, attitude.  But it is always so true.  If you get to choose something, it's your attitude.  What is going to help your next step vs what will hinder it?  I