Somewhere In The Skies

Robbie Graham: Silver Screen Saucers



On episode 31 of SOMEWHERE IN THE SKIES, Ryan speaks with Robbie Graham, author of Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact From Fantasy in Hollywood's UFO Movies.  More so than any other medium, cinema has shaped our expectations of potential alien life and visitation. But what messages does Hollywood project to us about our possible otherworldly neighbors? From where do UFO movies draw their inspiration, and what other factors—cultural and conspiratorial—might influence their production and content?  Robbie brings us through his examination of the DNA that builds our perceptions of the UFO mystery. One strand of this DNA weaves real events, stories, and people from the historical record of UFOlogy, while the other spins and twists with the film and TV products they have inspired. It is a marriage of reality and mythology that perpetuates and manipulates everything we know, or at least think we know about UFOs. Guest Bio: Robbie Graham has lectured around the world on the UFO subject and has been interviewed for