Our Work At Home Life With Jason And Jami: Online Business | Blogging | Working From Home

OWAHL 005: How to launch a product: Launch Week!



On the podcast this month we've been talking all about product launches. We covered the big picture overview of how to launch a product, how to work with affiliates to help sell your product, and creating a free offer for your product launch.  If you haven't worked your way through those episodes yet, then back up and go through those. They will give you a very solid grounding before heading into this episode.  Today we are going to be covering Launch week! You've done all the prep work to launch your new product, now it's time to actually launch it! Here's everything to need to craft a successful launch week.  Launch Your Product A typical launch period for us is 5-7 days. Anything shorter than that and it's hard to build momentum. Anything longer than that and it's hard to keep up that momentum.  If you listened to episode #4 and are creating a free opt in offer for your product, then a good option is to be in "sales" mode for one month. Spend 2-4 weeks spreading the word about your free opt in to boost eng