Audio Homilies Of Fr Paul Yi

Rosary of Seven Sorrows



Rosary of Seven Sorrows recorded by Fr Paul Yi Devotion to the Seven Sorrows of Mary goes back to the Middle Ages. It has been promoted by the Servite Order. The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows consists of forty-nine Hail Marys, divided into seven groups of seven. Each group of seven is begun with an Our Father, as in the regular Rosary. Some people start the Rosary with an Act of Contrition, since the devotion has a penitential character. Also like the regular Rosary, the groups of seven Hail Marys are an occasion for meditation on "Mysteries"; in this case, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, listed below. First Sorrow: The Presentation Second Sorrow: The Flight Into Egypt Third Sorrow: The Loss of Jesus in Jerusalem Fourth Sorrow: Mary Meets Jesus on the Via Dolorosa Fifth Sorrow: Mary at the Foot of the Cross Sixth Sorrow: Mary Receives Jesus' Body Seventh Sorrow: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb  "This devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of My Mother will restore faith and hope to broken hearts and to ruined