Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

You are More Than Just a Single Mom



Interested in learning how to build your confidence to unleash the extraordinary person you truly are? I’d love to help you. Today I’m launching a new project of mine – a podcast called Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things. My goal is to bring you each week an average, every day middle class person who has found something special inside of them to do something great with their lives or for those around them.  I hope you’ll find yourself saying, “Wow, that person’s just like me!” and then saying, “If they can do that, I know I can too.” If I can get people to feel a connection with someone on this podcast and help them towards making a change in their life for the better, then I’ve done my job. There is nothing I get more excited about than seeing people happy, loved and successful.  I want to help you realize that each and every one of us is great at something.  I want to help you find the confidence to be who you truly are and accomplish a life filled with happiness, love and success. I hope Ordinary P