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Affirmations of Wealth Author and Business coach John Alexandrov, on Achieving Goals. One More Sale



AFFIRMATIONS OF WEALTH authormy personal mentor and 1st businesscoach John Alexandrov, talks about using affirmations toachieve the highest outcomes.  DIFFERENT TYPES OF AFFIRMATIONS   Verbal  Written  Physical    Physical affirmations are powerful because without action therecan be no results. John points out the in the word attraction youwill find the word action. All beliefs are formed at the core ofthe mind and if we take consistent action over time we can achieveour goals.  “We have to really believe the thing we want ispossible, then it can become probable.” – JohnAlexandrov  CALL RELUCTANCE – There are12 different types (wediscuss)   Fear or phobia    Identity Crisis  Subconscious beliefs      MINDSET – John discuss many tools tohelp over come reluctance, including being prepared by doing somehomework before the call, also being prepared by knowing what tosay.  “Just be genuine and authentic in everything youdo. It’s somewhat rare these days and when peoplefeel that we are, they are attracted to us