Inspiring Personal Development Interviews With Salespeople, Trainers, Coaches & Authors. Gary Vaynerchuk, Mel Robbins, Grant

Abraham Shreve – Maps Mastery Coach Shares Secrets of The Top Real Estate Teams



Abe Shreve coaches the top real estate teams 40-250 million in volume. "In order to do what I want to do, I have to booby trap my success." Abe Shreve "Rejection feels the same for the guy doing 100 million as the new agent who just took his first listing." - Abraham  STEPS TO SUCCESS   Take the right actions  Create rituals  Find a mentor Learn from the others who have done what you want to do   Hire a coach  Surround yourself with talent  REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS:   About Abe: I am the proud father of a fat little 10 month old baby girl. Last night as I was getting her ready for bed she spit right in my face. No kidding, she puckered up and let it fly right in Dad’s face. And as if that was not enough she just laughed and laughed. And then, she spit again. And then she laughed again. Spit, laugh, spit, laugh….rinse and repeat. I sat there mesmerized at this adorable little baby who was laughing, almost uncont