Doctor Thyroid

26: The History of Levothyroxin and The Most Prescribed Drug in the United States with Dr. James V. Hennessey from Harvard University



In this interview, Dr. Hennessey describes the history, refinements, implementation, physiology, and clinical outcomes achieved over the past several centuries of thyroid hormone replacement strategies. Topics discussed in this episode include: The history of levothyroxin Chinese using thyroid hormone to treat cretinism in the 6th century What is cretinism? Dangers of hypothyroidism during pregnancy Prescribed 3-step process when hypothyroidism is treated when pregnant The history of sheep thyroid as a treatment? In the 1920’s thyroid hormone was synthesized T3 was synthesized in the 1950’s When to take thyroid medication, morning or night? A rich history of physician intervention in thyroid dysfunction was identified dating back more than 2 millennia. Although not precisely documented, thyroid ingestion from animal sources had been used for centuries but was finally scientifically described and documented in Europe over 130 years ago. Since the reports by Bettencourt and Murray, there has been a continuous