Doctor Thyroid

40: New Research Reveals Thyroid Surgery Errors 5x More Frequent Than Reported with Dr. Maria Papaleontiou from Michigan Medicine



I sometimes get asked, why am I doing this podcast?  What started out as a pet project is now being listened to in over 30 countries and with as many as 20000 downloads per episode.  So far, thyroid patients are embracing the opportunity to hear from the world’s leading thyroid doctors, and gaining the information needed to make better decisions related to health. So why did I start Doctor Thyroid? My motivation for doing this podcast is to help patients avoid bad experiences related to thyroid cancer and thyroid disease, including bad surgery.   And, provide resources to help make better health decisions and improve quality of life. My thyroid surgery resulted in errors, which have downgraded my quality of life significantly.  Knowing what I know now, I would have picked a different surgeon, or chosen no surgery at all.  Because, as this interview will discuss, although perceived as safe, thyroid surgery is not without risks.  To be published next month, new research reveals thyroid surgery errors are five t