Doctor Thyroid

71: A Patient's Determination to Find Better Treatment for Hashimoto’s



In this episode we hear from Doug, and 37 year old, male patient of Hashimoto's.  Discussed, are the following topics: Panic attacks Nervous Sweating Can’t get out of bed Putting on weight Feeling coldness NP Thyroid® L-Tyrosine Synthroid WP Thyroid WP Thyroid and L-Tyrosine combination therapy High heart rate on T3 ACTH stimulation test TSH as high as 60 T3 suppressing pituitary Experience as a male with Hashimoto’s Brain fog Body aches Food and diet NOTES: American Thyroid Association NP Thyroid ACTH stimulation test PubMed Deiodinase polymorphism testing FACEBOOK GROUPS All hormone deficiencies Hypothyroid Men