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MM43:Christie Halmick on Creating a Design Mindset



Design, love it or hate it, you need to be somewhat design literate as an entrepreneur. Today’s guest, Christie Halmick is an ex-magazine designer who helps entrepreneurs master the basics of DIY design and she offers some great advice on must-have skills and how to get comfy with design. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Christie’s background and how she got where she is today Christie’s advice for where to start in the design process if you are brand new How to overcome the hesitation, fear, and overwhelm that you feel when you start to design something The top pitfalls and traps we tend to fall into when designing something and how to avoid them Christie explains how to start to ‘make yourself a brand’ from the beginning Why it’s important to pay close attention to your image choices Christie’s favorite do-it-yourself friendly tools Top Takeaways for this Episode: Design is a mindset. It’s not bra