

Warning - ranty times ahead.  This week I get super feisty about Facebook and how people forget the whole point is people when building community. Thanks to Michelle and Val for the inspiration for this episode as I often wonder if how I feel about people behaving badly is you know, well, just me. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: If we’re going to all use Facebook for business, please act like a human. If you wouldn’t do it in person, please don’t do it on Facebook! (Official hashtag #notcool) I’m all for selling on Facebook, but it needs to be in an appropriate time and place. Showing up only to sell is not okay and means you're entirely missing the point of community. Communities are for connecting, not for list building. Think about how stringent you want to be, and how you want to connect with that person.  Sending a PM to say you must give me your email is obnoxious. (Please stop it.) Do not private mes