

When does too much of a good thing become well, too much of a good thing? As business owners we’ve got freedom, but we’re also able to do whatever we please which means we can get carried away. Which is why I’m a big fan of a hiatus where you take a break from things in your business. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: How my creative and idea hiatus last year came about and the advantages it had for my business. What my Fascinate test results say about my need to take a hiatus sometimes because I’m literally drowning in “good” ideas. Some ideas of what things to take a hiatus from - especially as we go into the Summer months! How your personality and business style can dictate what you should take a hiatus from because sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. How ‘too much of a good thing’ applies to your archetype and your business and what to do about it. Links for this Episode: Sign Up to Learn More About