

The month of May marks a major milestone in my biz as I celebrate my 10th anniversary.  Back then I was the mom of a soon to be one year old who didn’t want to go back to her amazing, but fast-paced job. So I opted out and decided to do things a whole new way.  Here are a few things I’ve been reflecting on that have made this all possible. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: I can’t believe I’ve been in business 10 years, but at the same time there wasn’t another option when I left my full time job. (Well there was, but I wasn’t thrilled about those options.) I love the continuous learning aspect of running my own business and in hindsight I even love the bad experiences I’ve had along the way. Not having a website is not an excuse for not growing your business. For 8 years I had no website and still made it all work. Having a really strong personal network and focusing on delivering really great experiences fo