

Brand experience, customer experience, customer buzz words right? Earlier this year, one of my good friends said she thought that the “customer experience” conversation was on it’s way to being the next content marketing.  Trendy or not, I don’t think we can ignore it or pretend it’s not a critical marketing strategy if we want to go. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: When we have a great experience, we stand up and take notice. Shouldn’t this just be the norm? As a business owner, it’s up to you to make providing a great customer service experience your mission. If you don’t nail this piece, the rest really doesn’t matter! It costs 7 times more to acquire a new customer than to keep one you already have. If you want to make more of an impact, focus on the clients you have right now. This is the call for you to forget the marketing to do list, and to start surprising and delighting your current c