

Books, books and more books today! Best of all we’re wrapping up the Summer Reads series with a focus on fiction books that you can’t judge a girl for loving. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: I explain where my love of books started and how it’s stuck with me my whole life Travel and reading go together, and I love taking a great book on a trip, whether business or pleasure The Jessica Darling series are a little older, but are a true beach read and I explain my love of the writing, plot, and series in general If you don’t like gory or dark, the Hollywood Alphabet series may not be right for you, but it’s light and quick I just read Primates of Park Avenue a few weeks ago, if you are a RHONY fan or enthralled by the Manhattan lifestyle, this is the book for you! ‘Frothy with a warning’ though, it has some sadness and thought provoking writing I love all of Liane Moriarty’s books, The Husband’s Secret is such