

A few weeks ago I was cruising the web looking for examples of good about pages...and sadly there wasn’t much I thought met the mark. Too much focus on me, me, me and not enough focus on what your customer needs from you. Which is why our about pages need a smackdown on this #feistyfriday episode. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: I explain why about pages are so critical I give you 3 ways to make sure your about page gets it’s job done Check yourself: the about page is not all about you Cut the crap! Get rid of the fluff, hyperbole, long winded stories, over explanations, jargon, etc. Think of your about page as a highlight reel The close on your about page matters so much: get them to do something at the end Links for this Episode: Link to Free Marketing Moxie Facebook Group