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MM102: Sonaya Williams - Pro Systems to Fuel Serious Growth



Systems are one of those things that feel so constricting, but when you have the right systems in place, you can grow your biz and flourish says my guest Sonaya Williams. If you don’t know Sonaya, you need to, she’s the brains behind the people, systems and tools in many big name businesses, and she’s one of the most strategic systems thinkers I know. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Some of us love systems, and some of us feel they are constraining; but they are necessary for our business Sonaya shares what she thinks the most important system is for growing our business Getting started on systems can be overwhelming; Sonaya gives us advice on how to get started Every business no matter where you are needs systems, but you need to upgrade them based on the upgraded experience you’re giving your client Being able to step out of the systems and hand them off to someone else will allow you to buil