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MM107: What's Working Now for Real-Life Biz



We’re kicking off a new series today on the show talking about what’s really working right now for actual business owners. Expert advice is well and good, but we only really know what’s going to work by doing. In the coming weeks, I’ve got a series of business owners sharing marketing tactics and their results. Today we kick off with me sharing what’s working for me when it comes to time management and productivity. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: True expert advice is only great to a point, doing more and more is a recipe for going insane To spend time working on your business instead of in your business, you have to really zone in on what’s working for you and your business The ‘What’s working now’ series, will feature people who are quietly building great businesses that really serve their clients Who cares about what worked for great marketers 4 years ago? Let’s focus on what’s working today! Market co