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MM108: Holly Gillen - Powering Up Your Biz with Periscope



One of my fave video pros, Holly G joins us today to talk about Periscope.  She covers what it is, how she’s using it and the #1 thing you need to consider before you dive in as part of the what’s working now series. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Holly gives us the rundown of what Periscope is and what we can use it for in our business Holly shares how she’s really using Periscope to add value to her business We talk about how to actually make time to periscope in your business Holly shares what she learned over her first month of using Periscope strategically and the results for her business Using Periscope can increase your following on all other social media platforms, Holly shares her personal results Before you decide to just hop on Periscope, you need to make sure ‘your tribe’ is actually hanging out there Get yourself and your strategy business ready, you need to prep and plan out your