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MM115: Cailen Ascher -Turning Free Consults into Paying Clients



If you run a services-based business you may have had the experience of offering free consults that turn into an exercise in frustration as you’re not closing any clients. Coach Cailen Asher shares the tweaks she made to her consult process to help deliver more value and sign on more clients in today’s show. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Cailen shares what she’s been doing to close more free consult conversations into actual business It’s okay to share your format and expectations with your free consult client at the beginning of your call The key is to listen: really hear what they need from you without thinking about whether they’ll hire you or not Once you’ve listened, offer 1 piece of valuable advice that they can implement right away and will give them a taste of working with you Cailen walks us through her system for pre-qualifying clients before they get on the call Use your pre-screen