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MM121: Gwen Elliot: Working with Media For Your Big Break



Is getting out there and being featured in the media on your wish list? (And if it’s not, it should be!) Media strategist Gwen Elliot shares how-to get started and some results that have happened thanks to media coverage! Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Gwen explains why we should take time out of our schedule to secure media interviews for ourselves, do guest posts, etc. Doing an interview will bring clients to your door, but it more importantly will bring clients to your door that already know you are credible. You have ‘the buzz’ Gwen recommends getting on air now and as often as you can so when that big opportunity comes knocking, you’re prepared for it and already have the technical aspects worked out Gwen shares how to get started adding media into your social to do list When reaching out to pitch a media interview or guest post, Gwen shares the three things you need to know first Gwen sh