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MM129: Kamila Gornia: Grow Your Email List with Facebook Ads



Do Facebook ads feel like a financial sinkhole? Do you want to throw your laptop out the window because you’re frustrated as all get out? This episode’s guest Kamila Gornia is going to help us get smart and strategic with our ads so you can use them in a way that’s productive and profitable. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Kamila shares the number one mistake we tend to make with Facebook ads When running an ad, you have to make sure it’s in line with your overall goal for your company There’s a lot of things to have in place before actually running an ad, Kamila breaks it down for us Kamila shares some of the reasons your ad may not be converting; it’s not just about having the ad You can have a really high click-through rate, but it’s not actually converting. The goal is to gain clients, not to just have a high click-through rate If you work with everything together: landing page, ads, your o