Doctor Thyroid

Combination Therapy of T4 and T3: Combat Hypothyroidism, Weight Gain, and Fatigue with Dr. Antonio Bianco from Rush University



Combination Therapy of T4 and T3 as a way to combat Hypothyroidism Thyroidectomy often leads to hypothyroidism-like symptoms.  This includes brain fog, sluggishness, weight gain, unmotivated, and water accumulation.  Dr. Bianco’s research has revealed the connection between thyroidectomy, hypothyroidism symptoms, and T4 only therapy.  Although T4 only therapy works for the majority, others report serious symptoms.  Listen to this segment to hear greater detail in regard to the following topics: Combination therapy of adding T3 to T4 85% of patients on Synthroid feel fine. Nearly 5% of the U.S. population takes T4, as revealed by the NHANE survey Residual symptoms of thyroidectomy include depression, difficulty losing weight, poor motivation, sluggishness, and lack of motivation.  For some, there is no remedy to these symptoms.  The importance of physical activity and its benefit in treating depression If we normalize T3 does it get rid of hypothyroid symptoms? Overlap between menopause and hypothyroidism symp