Starr Struck Radio

Episode 7: Passing on the Pizza (The Challenges of Eating Healthy Despite Social Pressures)



What happens when all of your colleagues are eating pizza for lunch and you decide to pass? Do they make you feel guilty for deciding to go the healthier route? It can be really hard to make healthy choices when you feel social pressure to indulge, so in this week's episode, we discuss all of the challenges that can come up when trying to eat healthy in social situations, in the workplace, and beyond.  In the first half of our discussion, we’ll delve into some examples of times, places, and situations where it can be very hard to stay true to your nutritional principles due to peer pressure, social expectations, and good manners. In the second half, we’ll offer some thoughts on why groups often shame the healthy eater on the bunch, and we'll share some tips and tricks for how to stay true to your health goals without stepping on any toes or upsetting anyone. We hope this episode empowers you to stay strong in your nutritional choices, whatever they may be! You can learn more on