Starr Struck Radio

Episode 47: The Second Trimester



This week's episode is a doozy. It starts with Ben dropping a bomb right at the beginning of the show, and it goes *slightly* off the rails from there...but, here we are: The Second Trimester. This episode is obviously a pregnancy update and a follow-up to Episode 39: The First Trimester. Just like our last pregnancy check-in, we use this episode to discuss how we’re feeling and what’s going on at this stage in the process. Yes, it veers towards couples therapy for a few minutes near the end, but what can we say? We're a couple talking about our feelings on a podcast every week--it's bound to happen every once in a while! We appreciate your sticking with us through all of our ups-and-downs ;)  Thanks for listening! You can comment on the episode and view the shownotes at