Shalom Sistas

Episode 10: Meet Shalom Sista Jessica Kelley



My guest on the podcast this week is Jessica Kelley. Jess is a dear friend of mine who share with us her story of loss.  When her son, Henry was five years old, he was diagnosed with brain cancer. Within the year, he passed away. Jess share with us that her primary practice of shalom, seeking wholeness where there is brokenness in to share a picture of God in the midst of our suffering that’s altogether lovely, beautiful, and good. Jess and I laugh, we’re vulnerable about our own losses and we cry. It’s just like if we were sitting on my couch talking about being Mamas in a broken world and I really hope you take a listen. Jessica Kelley is a writer, speaker, and survivor of child loss. She has a B.S. in Psychology, a M.S. in Counseling & Human Development, and experience as a School Counselor. Born and raised in the South, Jessica now lives with her husband and five-year-old daughter in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She survives the absurdly long winters by going to the gym, dreaming about the beach, and eatin