Shalom Sistas

Episode 14: Seeking Shalom for the Immigrant



My guest on the podcast this week is Sarah Quezada. Sarah and I write for some of the same places and so we've been cheering each other on on the interwebs, but I feel for her over chips and salsa when I was in Atlanta this past fall after the Allume conference. Sarah Quezada is the author of the blog, "A Life With Subtitles" where she writes about living a multicultural life in Atlanta, GA with her Guatemalan husband and two talkative kiddos!     Today's episode is a follow up to my book club conversation with Cara Meredith on the book, "Esperanza Rising". Since so much of the book focuses on the struggle of the immigrant worker in California during the Depression Era and we see glimpses of the gaps in the  immigration policies in America, I thought it was important to bring on my friend to share her story of falling for an undocumented worker and EVERYTHING they've gone through to secure his citizenship. Check out  "Immigration Love Story"! It's a fantastic detailing of her love story with Billy in three