Five Good Questions Podcast

5GQ Mark Simpson - Excellent Investing



In this week's Five Good Questions, we're interviewing Mark Simpson about his book Excellent Investing. Mark is a UK-based deep value investor and author with over 15 years of experience investing in individual securities. He writes about finding sources of edge in the market, investor psychology, avoiding investment mistakes and building better portfolios. Five Good Questions 1. Why do you think the microcap space is inefficient, and how much less efficient is it? 2. Wes Gray has this concept called the “God Portfolio.” What is it and what does it mean to knowing yourself as an investor? 3. What are your thoughts on averaging down when a stock you own drops in price? What are assassins, hunters, and rabbits in this context? 4. A percentage of the Kelly Criterion (½ Kelly or ⅓ Kelly) are popular upper limits for position sizing. What are lower limits and why are they important? 5. What do oxytocin and empathy have to do with story stocks?